
Christmas donation from Estonian start-up Jobbatical

A Christmas donation of 2000 EUR was recently made to NGO Mondo from Jobbatical, an Estonian start-up and a cross-border job portal which has over 270,000 users all over the world.  The donation was made on behalf of all Jobbatical partners and clients.

NGO Mondo will use the donation to help support 260 orphans and children of war victims at the Fatima Zahra Girls School in Jalalabad, East Afghanistan.

Mondo has supported the school since 2012 through private donations and development cooperation funds from the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The annual budget of the school is 12 000 EUR, of which 10 000 EUR is covered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the remaining 2 000 EUR will be covered by the generous Jobbatical donation.  The budget covers teachers´ salaries, books, school materials and school bags.

Fatima Zahra school has ten teachers (nine of them female), each with a monthly salary of 75 EUR. Textbooks and school items for all students cost around 400 EUR per year and school bags for new students cost around 100 EUR.  The Jobbatical donation will cover the salary of 10 teachers for two months and all the required materials for students.


Mondo, together with Clanbeat, brings a new mental health solution to Ukraine


Using Clanbeat’s solution, the mental well-being of school families in the Zhytomyr region will be mapped, providing a better overview of the impact of the war on the mental well-being of young people and school staff, and connecting them with the most suitable support services. “The war has led the people of Ukraine into a