
Health Care system in Afganistan

Support of Establishment and Development of Sustainable Healthcare System in Helmand Province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


The project’s aim is to support establishment and development of sustainable healthcare system in Helmand province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The project is realised through back up of the Estonian health expert’s mission (information management, analysis, involvement of experts to support his activities, elaborating solutions of arising problems) and further expansion of the Estonian development aid in the form of development cooperation projects subject to current conditions and assessments.


As a main project outcome NGO Mondo sees improvement of the population health care system in Helmand province. Other project objectives include:

– establishment of support mechanism to the health expert working in the ISAF Lashkar Gah Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT);

– analysis of use of Estonian development cooperation aid in Helmand province; planning and realisation of further sustainable development cooperation;

– rising efficiency of the Estonian development cooperation.


The project will last until May 2010 with possible prolongation and serves as a framework for smaller and more specific projects, such as, e.g. Capacity building of Helmand province central hospital (Bost hospital) in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan”.


The project is financed from the development cooperation and humanitarian aid fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia.


Project manager – Riina Laigo, Member of the Board of NGO Mondo


Mondo, together with Clanbeat, brings a new mental health solution to Ukraine


Using Clanbeat’s solution, the mental well-being of school families in the Zhytomyr region will be mapped, providing a better overview of the impact of the war on the mental well-being of young people and school staff, and connecting them with the most suitable support services. “The war has led the people of Ukraine into a