
Inspired! Youth Event on Climate Change

Mondo with 1Planet4All project partners invites young climate activists across Europe to join youth event on climate change on 30th of September taking place in Tallinn, Estonia and on the Zoom platform. 

The focus of the event is to share stories and inspiration of action taken by youth on climate change. The morning session is held face-to-face and it brings together active youth from Estonia for inspiration and discussion sessions on degrowth. The afternoon programme will begin with a keynote speech by Mira Kapfinger from Stay Grounded. She will share her experience of movement-building for climate justice. The rest of the afternoon is dedicated to various hybrid workshops led by youth and bringing together youth across Europe that have taken action in their communities in the framework of DEAR projects or other initiatives. The sessions focus on a wide range of topics from tackling food waste and fast fashion to taking legal action for climate justice and co-creating good climate policies. The event will conclude with a joint action on COP27 led by slam poetry artist Kelvin Akpaloo. 

Sign up for the event if you are interested in taking action on climate – you may consider yourself a climate activist or maybe you are taking your first steps in planning how to raise awareness or take practical action on climate change. There will be space to share inspiration, discuss challenges and plan your next actions! 

For more information and registration click HERE.


Безоплатні онлайн-консультації психологів та психіатрів для дітей


З жовтня 2024 року неповнолітні мешканці України можуть отримати безоплатну психологічну допомогу онлайн у рамках естонсько-українського сервісу «Спокій» (spokiy.ee). За замовченням проєкт доступний і для дорослих. Для дітей до 14 років є важлива умова: вони мають відвідувати консультацію в супроводі законних представників (один із батьків чи опікунів, брат/сестра, бабуся/дідусь тощо). У разі відсутності дорослого з