Transforming digital learning to earning in Kyegegwa District
Project period: January 2022 – April 2023
Project funds: Enabel, Belgian development agency
Project partners: Finn Church Aid Uganda
The specific objective of this action is to improve business profitability of 160 young entrepreneurs through business oriented digital competencies. The proposed action focuses on Kyaka II refugee settlement in Kyegegwa District, directly targeting 160 refugee and host community youth of 15-30 years old, 60% female. Targeted youth will have strong business idea and entrepreneurship focus, aspiring to make their businesses to grow into a more professionally managed and profitable micro-enterprise. The 160 youth will be trained according to Mondo Digital Competencies Training Package and additionally receive business training from FCA trained certified Business Mentors. The youth will additionally have 3-week long work-based learning in community businesses.