
Digital Competencies Program by Mondo 

Mondo together with FCA Kenya are starting Digital Competencies Program (DCP) and Creative Industry (CI) trainings in Nairobi. Our aim is to give skills to youths in the fast developing digital world to empower their brilliant ideas and create job opportunities!

The DCP trainings are happening for 5 weeks and will be followed by 10 months trainings in CI, all located in Jericho. We are kicking it off with the new year, first group of youths will start in January 2022!

Creative Industries program consist of two components: Technical training and creative entrepreneurship and future work skills. Technical training will be provided in selected  creative digital skills such as graphic design and online content. Training will be conducted in shorter periods between now and March 2023.

We are recruiting youths, applications can be done through the link, shared here:  https://forms.gle/rNPvGMR7qzoyRnbS9. 

DCP is about digital literacy and computer skills, but it’s also about using digital devices and the Internet proactively as a tool to engage with society on a professional, educational and personal level.

Here are some examples of the modules:

  • Apps to Develop Literacy
  • Computer ABC
  • Digital Safety and Hygiene
  • Google Tools and Online Presence
  • ABC of Smartphone Photography
  • ABC of Smartphone Videography
  • ABC of Design
  • ABC of Financial Literacy and Business
  • Entrepreneurship in Digital Settings (mini-hackathon)
  • Social Media and Marketing
  • Creating a Website

To read more about Mondo DCP, visit our website where you can find info about previous trainings: https://mondo.org.ee/en/digitalskills/.

This project is financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. 

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Mondo, together with Clanbeat, brings a new mental health solution to Ukraine


Using Clanbeat’s solution, the mental well-being of school families in the Zhytomyr region will be mapped, providing a better overview of the impact of the war on the mental well-being of young people and school staff, and connecting them with the most suitable support services. “The war has led the people of Ukraine into a