Category: Uudised_en

Press release: Estonian people will send Ghanaian children to school


1. september 2009 Täna, esimesel koolipäeval saadavad eesti inimesed lisaks oma lastele kooli ka 30 koolilast Põhja-Ghanas, väikses Kongo külas. Need Lääne-Aafrika koolilapsed on igaüks leidnud endale toetaja Eestist, kes alates sellest sügisest toetab pikaajaliselt nende laste haridusteed läbi MTÜ Mondo projekti “Kingitus lähedasele – abi kaugele”.


Oxygen Delivery System in Bosti Hospital Helps to Save Lives


On 6 August 2009 the oxygen delivery system in Bosti Hospital was officially placed in operation. The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice Governor of the Helmand Province Mr Sattar, Head of the provincial Health Office dr Enayatullah and Health Adviser to the PRT Ms Anu Raisma.


Estonian Health Care Aid in Southern Afghanistan Lowers Death Rate


Deputy Governor of Helmand Province Abdul Satar Miszakwali and the chief doctor of Lashkar Gah’s Bost Hospital Dr. Enaytullah Ghafary confirmed in their meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet that Estonia’s contributions to building up the health care system in Helmand Province are very necessary and they would like for the aid to continue.