High healthcare officials of Helmand province familiarize themselves with the Estonian healthcare system
In the framework of development cooperation project carried out by NGO Mondo and co-financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs two high healthcare officials of Helmand province came to Estonia for two-week visit.
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1. september 2009 Täna, esimesel koolipäeval saadavad eesti inimesed lisaks oma lastele kooli ka 30 koolilast Põhja-Ghanas, väikses Kongo külas. Need Lääne-Aafrika koolilapsed on igaüks leidnud endale toetaja Eestist, kes alates sellest sügisest toetab pikaajaliselt nende laste haridusteed läbi MTÜ Mondo projekti “Kingitus lähedasele – abi kaugele”.
READ MOREOxygen Delivery System in Bosti Hospital Helps to Save Lives
On 6 August 2009 the oxygen delivery system in Bosti Hospital was officially placed in operation. The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice Governor of the Helmand Province Mr Sattar, Head of the provincial Health Office dr Enayatullah and Health Adviser to the PRT Ms Anu Raisma.
READ MORENGO Mondo starts the project “A small gift is a big help” on 10th of May
READ MOREProject on development cooperation and participation
MTÜ Mondo offers practical possibilities to the public in Estonia to support development cooperation projects in the South. The project establishes a child sponsorship scheme and a system of ethical alternative gifts. Donations target specific educational and local income-generating projects run by partner organizations in the South (this year’s target is Ghana, West-Africa). MTÜ Mondo
READ MOREEstonian Health Care Aid in Southern Afghanistan Lowers Death Rate
Deputy Governor of Helmand Province Abdul Satar Miszakwali and the chief doctor of Lashkar Gah’s Bost Hospital Dr. Enaytullah Ghafary confirmed in their meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet that Estonia’s contributions to building up the health care system in Helmand Province are very necessary and they would like for the aid to continue.
READ MOREEducation – Every Child’s Right
Non-profit organization Mondo launched a global education project “Education – Every Childs Right” in February. The general goal of the project is to raise interest in Estonia, especially among young people, towards developing countries and their problems with education.
READ MOREDeployment of Health Expert in Afganistan
Deployment of Anu Raisma, Health Expert to the Special Mission of the Republic of Estonia, to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan based at the ISAF Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Lashkar Gah,Helmand Province The project’s aim is to continue manning of the health expert position in the ISAF Lashkar Gah Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and
READ MORECapacity building of Helmand province central hospital (Bost hospital) in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Capacity building of Helmand province central hospital (Bost hospital) in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan The project’s aim is to build capacity of medical assistance provided in Bost hospital (the central hospital of Helmand province) by purchasing, delivery and handover of certain medical equipment. This project is a sub-project of the project “Support of Establishment and
READ MOREHealth Care system in Afganistan
Support of Establishment and Development of Sustainable Healthcare System in Helmand Province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan The project’s aim is to support establishment and development of sustainable healthcare system in Helmand province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The project is realised through back up of the Estonian health expert’s mission (information