Volunteer with Mondo!

From 2023 Mondo will deploy volunteers to Ghana, Georgia, Kenya and Uganda through the European Solidarity Corps Humanitarain Aid Strand to support communities and local host organisations.
The program will give the opportunity to EU citizens aged 18–35 to volunteer in humanitarian aid far beyond Europe. Positions are available in health, gender awareness, project management, ICT, climate, disaster risk preparedness, education and community development fields. Read more about the EU Solidarity Corps programme.
Over the years, Mondo has deployed more than 100 experts to our partner communities in ten countries with the support of EU Aid volunteers and Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The expert volunteers from more than 15 countries have a diverse background, including physiotherapists, nurses, teachers, business promoters, fashion designers, IT experts, psychologists, agricultural experts, communication experts, lawyers, etc.
Deployment of Mondo volunteers is supported by the European Commission.