Category: Uncategorized @en
Estonian UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network
CONTACT: UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network in Estonia is coordinated by NGO Mondo, Johanna Helin,, the Coordinator for UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network. UNESCO ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS PROJECT NETWORK (Associated Schools Project network – ASPnet) UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network was founded in 1953 in order to promote better understanding between people and peace
Target groups for the NGO Mondo Global Education Centre project “Teach MDGs” are teacher training lecturers and students, active teachers and students. The project is carried out in cooperation with partners from Cyprus, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Scotland. Project website: Project goals: • To support the integration of Millennium Development Goals into the educational system
READ MOREMaailmahariduskeskuse arendus Eestis
1.6. 2011- 31.5.2012 Projekti üldiseks eesmärgiks on edendada maailmaharidust Eestis ning selle kaudu tõsta teadlikkust globaalsetest arenguküsimustest Eesti üldhariduskoolides ja avalikkuses. See eesmärk aitab koolidel rakendada uue õppekava eesmärke ning toetab üldsuse vajadust paremini mõista avatud valitsemise, inimõiguste tagamise, sotsiaalse õigluse, humanitaarabi ning arengukoostöö põhimõtteid, üleilmseid (arengu)probleeme ning nende lahendusi. Projekti otseseks eesmärgiks on toetada ja laiendada
READ MOREEstablishing a support system for Afghan women and children 2011-2012
NGO Mondo expanded its support programme “A small gift is a big help” which started in 2009 in Africa to Afghanistan. We offer Estonian people specific possibilities to help most vulnerable people – mostly women, children and people with special needs in post-war Afghanistan. The project continues development cooperation and global education activities, creating
READ MOREMondo saadab kolmeks kuuks kaks EVT vabatahtlikku Ghanasse
2011. aastal sai heakskiidu Mondo esimene Euroopa Vabatahtliku Teenistuse (EVT) projekt Letters From The World, millega lähetatakse kaks noort Kongo külla Ghanas. Vabatahtlike peamine eesmärk on panustada noorte lugemisoskuse arendamisele. Nelja kuu jooksul viiakse läbi raamatuklubisid ja arvutikasutamise algõpet. Lisaks aitavad vabatahtlikud kaasa ka Mondo ja KoCDA koostöö sujuvamale korraldamisele. Külastatakse toetust saanud peresid, leskedele
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READ MORELaunch of health-related adults training in Helmand Province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
The project aim is to launch health-related adults training in Helmand Province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The project target group are women of the province, both as trainers and trainees.