Mondo has been operating in Jordan since 2014. We work in Syrian refugee camps in Zaatar and Azraq.
There are about 1.27 million Syrians in Jordan, of whom about 655,000 are registered refugees. More than 236,000 of registered refugees are school-age children. The influx of Syrian refugees is a major challenge for the education system. The government has guaranteed the access to Jordanian schools for refugees. In spite of that, the pressure on the system is so big, it is unable to provide quality education for both Syrian and Jordanian students. 47% of schools are overcrowded. Refugee camps are especially underfunded. For younger children and girls, the main obstacle is that the school is far away. Additionally, the second shift ends late. Very few teenagers attend secondary schools. Syrians also perform worse than their Jordanian peers, especially those in refugee camps. Syrian young people have scarce opportunities to continue their studies after high school or to apply their knowledge in the labor market.
Mondo offers mainly education cluster services: ICDL-certified computer courses and agricultural courses. Computer courses and certification provide refugees with the skills they need to apply for jobs. In Jordan, we work with our Finnish partner Finn Church Aid. In collaboration with them, Mondo has furnished computer classes in Zaatari and Azraq. We have also distributed juice packs to younger students to help them endure a long school day. In addition, we helped cover the football field, where both boys and girls can play, with artificial turf. We built a drinking water infrastructure in the Azraq camp. It supports the agricultural activities of the camp residents.
Mondo’s work in the Jordanian refugee camps is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.