Brilliant Fund
Set up a standing donation order to support a schoolchild in Africa
NGO Mondo Brilliant Fund was created to support students and improve education in Mondo target countries. The Brilliant Fund enables to set up a yearly 72 euro donation to support an individual schoolchild in Ghana, Kenya or Uganda. You can also make a one-off donation to a common fund that is used to support the education and students in vocational schools, high schools, boarding schools in other partner countries like Ukraine and Afghanistan.
The child support programme for middle school students supports children without parents and children from families that suffer extreme poverty. The financial support is independent of educational achievements or results. The children who receive the support are decided by the women’s groups and management boards of our partner organisations. We support children from as many families and areas as possible to reduce the financial burden of education on the families. Every child has an individual donor in Estonia, who can also keep themselves up to date with how the child is doing.
Children in vocational schools, high schools and boarding schools
Children from uninsured low income families or children who are orphans are often not able to continue education after middle school. Mondo Brilliant Fund support allows academically talented high school students to apply for financial support. The applications are evaluated every year in collaboration with a local partner. Mondo Brilliant Fund also supports the Shan minority ethnicity children in Myanmar villages so they can live in student housing and continue education in Namlan high school.
According to the needs and amount of available donations we also direct some Mondo Brilliant funds towards improving the quality of education and school environments in other partner countries. For example, an Afghan girls’ school in Jalalabad now has electricity thanks to solar panels; schools in Kenya and Uganda have better sanitary conditions; a school in Uganda has student housing, a water barrel and a concrete floor. Thanks to many Estonian schoolchildren’s donations, students from Mondo partner countries have received necessary study materials and things to encourage spending free time actively, e.g sports equipment etc.
For further information, please contact Mondo is thankful for any donation to its Brilliant Fund – when you make a donation, please specify which country you would like to support.

Children in Kongo Primary School 2018