
Press release: Estonian people will send Ghanaian children to school

1. september 2009 Täna, esimesel koolipäeval saadavad eesti inimesed lisaks oma lastele kooli ka 30 koolilast Põhja-Ghanas, väikses Kongo külas. Need Lääne-Aafrika koolilapsed on igaüks leidnud endale toetaja Eestist, kes alates sellest sügisest toetab pikaajaliselt nende laste haridusteed läbi MTÜ Mondo projekti “Kingitus lähedasele – abi kaugele”.Projektijuhi Aire Nurme sõnul on nad väga rõõmsad, et eesti inimesed on uue algatusega kaasa tulnud. Kui projekt selle aasta maikuus Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapitali toel käima lükati, oldi äraootaval seisukohal. “Me ei osanud nii positiivset vastukaja oodata, eesti inimene on siiani toetanud ikka ainult eesti lapsi. Aga leidsime, et aeg on küps hakata mõtlema ka laiemalt. Ühe lapse haridustee toetamise kaudu on võimalik tundma õppida uut ja huvitavat riiki ning sealseid kombeid,” lausus Nurm. Veel selle nädala lõpuni saab projektiga ühineda ja kohe praegu maailma parandamiseks midagi väga konkreetset ette võtta. Nimelt on veel kuni 5. septembrini võimalik teha toetusi, et anda ühele lapsele võimalus sel sügisel kooli minna. mondo.org.ee kodulehe kaudu saab toetada Kongo külas, Põhja-Ghanas elavate laste haridust, et anda neile paremaid tulevikuvõimalusi. Arengumaades on alghariduse saamine Eestiga võrreldes odav. 600-kroonine toetus võimaldab ühel lapsel terve aasta koolis käia. Eesti oludes võib 600 krooni aastas kaduda tühja-tähja peale nii, et eriti ei märkagi. See on võimalus kellegi elus midagi päris olulist muuta. Selline võimalus on nüüd olemas. Projekti aitab ellu viia Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital. Tee annetus – mondo.org.ee Lisainfo: Aire Nurm MTÜ Mondo projektijuht Tel: 5212881 aire.nurm@mondo.org.ee[/lang_et][lang_en]Today, on the first of September when all Estonian children go to school, we are happy to announce that with the help of Estonian donors 30 kids in North-Ghana can also start their schoolyear. These 30 children in the village called Kongo have all found new friends in Estonia who started supporting the education of these children this summer. The idea of the project is to support the kids until the end of their studies to make sure they graduate their primary and secondary school studies. According to the project manager Aire Nurm from NGO Mondo they are very happy to see big interest shown by Estonian people. “When we started the programme in May this year with the help of Estonian National Foundation of Civil Society, we didn’t know what to expect because this is the first time we gave people the chance to start thinking about children in other part of the world. Children who are not so fortunate in their endavours to gain education. Even graduating primary school is a big dream for many kids there,” said Aire Nurm. This week is the last week to join the program for this year. Until 5th of September the donations made via our webpage mondo.org.ee will be tranferred to Kongo village primary school to support the start of school year for the primary school children. People who want to join in can also do it later this year. There are two options: to donate 600 EEK once a year or 50 EEK each month. More information: Aire Nurm MTÜ Mondo Project manager aire.nurm@mondo.org.ee mondo.org.ee


Teachers from Zhytomyr and Chernihiv oblasts improve digital competencies in Mondo project


A large-scale project called “Digital Competencies for Teachers in Zhytomyr and Chernihiv oblasts” has been launched to improve educators’ digital skills. The first two trainings have already taken place in Kyiv at the end of August. The format of the training is Training of Trainers, which lasts five days. “In the midst of disrupted learning