
Mondo’s volunteers will share their stories on Tartu studentdays

Three Mondo volunteers will join Tartu Studentdays on the 27th of April, to share in a storytelling method their experiences as volunteers. Eve, Saile and Marten’s stories will give insight into the daily lives of women’s cooperatives, IT class or local organisations in Mondo’s partner communities in Africa. The stories are told in English and in Estonia and the event from 11 – 13 is for free, but please reserve your spot here.

Mondo has been deploying volunteers worldwide since 2009, and “Tales from The Trail” offers a platform to share their experiences with those curious about life in these seemingly faraway and enigmatic locations. “Storytelling has great power. It transcends boundaries and fosters empathy. Whether you’re interested in volunteer opportunities, seeking to broaden your cultural understanding, or simply curious about life in Africa, this event promises to inspire, educate, and ignite meaningful conversations,” says Mondo’s volunteers program manager Hajara Tafida-Isa. 

In the focus of three stories are reducing inequality, challenging perceptions and embarking on a journey. 

“The bad comes with the good. Every time we use the IT class, laptops show new mistakes. This is why every week I head over to Bolga with laptops in my backpack to fix them. It is difficult to learn typing if, ifyourspace doesn´t work. An obstacle is also the fact that the centre has 25 laptops but only 10 mice,” shares volunteer Marten about his deployment in Kongo village, Ghana. 

The event is a part of Tartu Studentdays 2024. See more: www.studentdays.ee. See event details in Facebook. Volunteers share their stories at Tartu Oskar Luts Library.

Deployment of Mondo volunteers is supported by the European Commission. See vacant positions here.


Mondo, together with Clanbeat, brings a new mental health solution to Ukraine


Using Clanbeat’s solution, the mental well-being of school families in the Zhytomyr region will be mapped, providing a better overview of the impact of the war on the mental well-being of young people and school staff, and connecting them with the most suitable support services. “The war has led the people of Ukraine into a