Mondo has been working in Lebanon since 2016, supporting the livelihood of the most vulnerable communities through education, digital empowerment, and entrepreneurship training.
Lebanon is estimated to host 1.7 million refugees. With a population of 5.9 million making it one of the countries with the highest refugee-to-population ratios globally. The country is home to 1.5 million Syrian refugees and 200,000 Palestinian refugees. Lebanon, which has been among the higher-income countries for 25 years, has in recent years plunged into a situation where over 80% of its population lives below the official poverty line. This is due to years of political instability and an unprecedented economic crisis. More than half of Lebanese (53%) and the majority (90%) of Syrian families require assistance in meeting their basic needs. Approximately 10% of Lebanon’s 1.2 million children are out of school.
Mondo, along with its partners, supports the most vulnerable communities, mostly Syrian refugee women, children, and youth. Through collaboration with partners, we provide solutions to improve their livelihood and support children’s education. Examples of activities can be found below.
Mondo’s work in Lebanon is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Estonian Centre for International Development – ESTDEV, the Anna Lindh Foundation, and private donors.

Support Lebanon
Projects in Lebanon
February 2024 - January 2025
Overview of Mondo’s activities in 2024
Examples of Mondo’s previous activities in Lebanon
Support for education and mental health
In collaboration with the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development (LSESD), Mondo organised from 2016 to 2021 in Beirut, Tahaddi Center, basic literacy and numeracy classes for out-of-school children. Children attending school received assistance with their homework. Youth had the opportunity to acquire vocational skills, participate in digital literacy training, and receive career counseling. In addition, various activities for preschoolers and art and crafts workshops were offered. Mondo also conducted psychosocial support sessions for children, youth, women, and families.
Skills trainings for women
In collaboration with the local organisations LSESD and Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA), Mondo provided skills and digital literacy trainings for refugee women as well as disadvantaged Lebanese women in Beirut from 2017 to 2018 and in the city of Saida since 2020. The most talented and motivated women also received support to start their own businesses.

As part of humanitarian assistance, in 2020, Mondo distributed hygiene kits to the victims of the Beirut explosion in collaboration with DPNA.
Mondo’s partners in Lebanon

Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA) was founded in 2003 and has been a partner organization of Mondo since 2020. DPNA operates in Saida, the third-largest city in Lebanon, where the country’s largest Palestinian refugee camp, Ein El Helwe, is located. The Saida region is home to many vulnerable communities.

Red Oak is a Lebanese NGO founded in 2017 that works with disadvantaged communities in various regions of Lebanon, focusing on education, mental health, inclusion of people with disabilities, child protection, and empowering women and girls.