
Enhancing the humanitarian aid capacity of NGO Mondo (October 2013 – March 2014)


The project continues to enhance the operational capacity of NGO Mondo for engagement in international humanitarian missions. As a result of the project, Mondo has 1) completed practical mission in Jordan with Relief International, 2) institutional preparedness to work in the field of DRR in its development cooperation areas, and 3) trained at least 20


Estonian World: Estonian NGO contributes to the future of young Syrian refugees


BY KRISTI RAIDMA IN SECURITY · SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 · 0 COMMENTS   Syria has been dominating the headlines of international media channels for quite some time now. It seems the conflict that has been going on for two years has little left to astonish us with. Nonetheless, amid the political debates and discussions on the appropriate international


Project „Grass-root campaigns for protecting basic rights


NGO Mondo started a project “Grass-root campaigns for protecting basic rights”, from April 2013. The goal of the project is to raise awareness among young people about basic rights and active citizenship, using multimedia and internet, campaigns, social actions and information events. Mondo will help young people to establish their own documentary movie clubs, help


Süüria pagulaste heaks korraldatav heategevuskontsert “Empaatia” (07/06 kl. 12:00)


Heategevuskontsert “Empaatia” on korraldatud Jordaanias asuvate Süüria sõjapõgenike abistamiseks. Kontserti korraldavad Tallinna Inglise Kolledži keskkooliõpilased ning see toimub Bastioni Aias 7. juuni kell 12.00 Tallinna Vanalinna Päevade raames. Süüria pagulaste heaolu eest astuvad kontserdil välja: Rasmus Rändvee & Facelift Deer, Bombillaz, Tenfold Rabbit ning Iiris Vesik. Ürituse eesmärk on teadvustada eesti inimesi Süüria põgenike rasketest ja tihti


Increasing NGO Mondo financial capacity and transparency (03-09.2013)


The objective of the project was to increase NGO Mondo financial capacity and transparency, which would contribute to the evolvement of Mondo´s image as a trustworthy and reliable actor in development cooperation and humaniarian aid. Though such values cannot be achieived within a limited scope of a single project, Mondo started to implement communication strategy


European campaign „Make Chocolate Fair“


From the beginning of year 2013 NGO Mondo is implementing a three-year-long European campaing, which aims to raise awareness among the customers on the conditions of cocoa production and collect signatures for the petition, which demands European chocolate companies to ensure a fair payment to cocoa farmers. There are 4 partner organizations from Germany, Austria,


Youth of the World!

  In March 2013, NGO Mondo is starting a new 3-year project funded by the European Commission (EuropeAid) with the aim of mainstreaming global education within the activities of youth organizations and structures, working in different spheres of youth work. The project is done in cooperation with NGOs from Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Lithuania, Ghana and