With this gift, you support women’s livelihood and entrepreneurship in Mondo’s partner communities. Thanks to this gift, the women can buy chickens and concentrated feed, vaccinate hatchery chicks, and continue developing their agricultural cooperatives.
For the women of Shianda in Kenya, a chicken means much more than just a single bird or eggs. With Mondo’s assistance, the women created an agricultural cooperative and acquired five incubators powered by solar panels. Women contribute jointly, both financially and with their labour, to help vulnerable families in their area with the revenue generated from the sale of chicks.
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Amina Nasser, a mother of four, sells what she harvests from her small batch of land at the Shianda market. When forming a cooperative became a topic of conversation with aid from Mondo’s farming expert, Amina was one of the first to join. She saw it as an opportunity to find a market for her produce, and thereby increase the income of her family. Paying for her children’s education, she was still able to come up with the money to pay for the registration fee, and today she has also managed to pay up all the stake deposits in the amount of 1,500 Shillings. Amina’s aim is to buy cheap chicks through the cooperative, and sell chickens at the market. By increasing her income, she can buy more stakes, and, when the time is right, ask the cooperative for a business loan. She is determined to purchase fruit presses, and start producing orange- and mango juice.