
Mondo Akadeemia | How Georgia’s civil society is fighting for its European future

Mondo Akadeemia kohtumine 23. jaanuaril avab Gruusia kodanikuühiskonna võitlust oma tuleviku nimel. Teemat avab Mondo Gruusia partnerorganisatsiooni World of Tolerance juht. Üritus on inglise keeles ja tasuta. Registreeri oma osalus siin vormis.


Ürituse kirjeldus inglise keeles:

Mondo Academy | From Europe to Moscow? How Georgia’s civil society is fighting for its European future 

For almost two years now streets across Georgia have been filled with people who are fighting for their democratic European future and their civil and political rights. Peaceful protests organised and led by the Georgian civil society have been a beacon of hope and courage, with the underlying idea to fight for the Georgian pro-European aspirations. However, concerns over the government’s increasing authoritarian tendencies and its perceived drift away from European course and democratic norms have led many locals to the point where they feel that they have  “nothing left to lose”.  

Mondo’s partner organisation World of Tolerance (WoT), with whom we organised the first Opinion Festival in Tbilisi, has not been left untouched by the newly established laws and ongoing protests. On the contrary, everybody we have ever worked with in Georgia and who we consider our Georgian friends have been protesting since late October 2024. Some of them are leading and coordinating those protests in various cities. 

Mondo is pleased to announce that in the next Mondo Academy we will host one of our friends from Georgia, leader of World of Tolerance and have a talk with him on the following topics: 

  • Protesting for what? Why?
  • What it means to be every single night on the streets of Tbilisi or Batumi or Kutaisi for more than 40 days already? 
  • What is happening behind the scenes? 
  • Do they have a plan on how to overthrow the current regime? Can it be really done by peaceful means? 
  • What it means to be an activist during times like these?
  • What will the future hold for Georgia in their eyes? 
  • How can we support them? 



18.15 – 18.30 Doors open, snacks

18.30 – 18.45 Intro of the evening

18.45 – 20.00 Public discussion 


Puu- ja aedviljade kuivatamine aitab tagada Gruusia haavatavamate kogukondade toidujulgeolekut


Mondo keskkonnaprogrammi osana jõudis mullu sügisel Gruusiasse 36 päikeseenergial toimivat toidukuivatid, mis kohe ka aktiivselt kasutusse pandi. Esimeste kuudega säilitasid kogukonnad juba 474 kilogrammi hooajalisi vilju!  Eesti pere-ettevõtte GlobeDry ehitatud toidukuivatid on osa Mondo projektist, mille raames saavad Mondo partnerkogukonnad Gruusias, Keenias ja Ugandas tuge toiduraiskamise vähendamiseks. Kuivatid aitavad hooajalisi vilju pikemal perioodil säilitada ning