Meediaharidusprojekt “Better News Media”
Projekti kestus: august 2016 – oktoober 2017
Rahastaja: Euroopa komisjon, Kodanike Euroopa programm
Sihtgrupp: noored, noored ajakirjanikud
Mondo alustas augustis 2016 uue meediaharidusprojektiga, mis kestab kuni 2017 oktoobrini. Projekti eesmärk on arendada noorte meedialugemisoskusi ja ajakirjanduse eetikat pagulas- ja immigratsiooniteemade käsitlemisel korraldades arutelusid meedia rollist nii stereotüüpide loojana kui purustajana ning koolitades noori ajakirjanikke ja ajakirjandustudengeid vihakõne ja rassismi tõrjumiseks.
Projekti tegevused Eestis:
- meediasõnumite kaardistamine
- sotsiaalmeedia koolitused ja kampaania noortele
- rahvusvaheline meediahariduse talvekool
- külalisajakirjanike loengud ja arutelud ajakirjanike vahel
- suvekool õpetajatele
Projektipartnerid on VIKES Soomest ja Humana People to People Lätist.
Jälgi projekti tegevusi:
Hashtag #betternewsmedia Facebookis ja Twitteris;
projekti blogi:
8 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1: Winter School (16/02/2017 to 19/02/2017)
The aim of the event was to discuss media ethics, fake news and the effects of social media. During the week-end young people also planned future social media campaigns on media ethics and refugees to be conducted during the spring and summer 2017. Participation: The event involved 52 citizens, including 22 participants from Estonia, 11 participants from Finland, 16 participants from Latvia and 3 participants from Lithuania. The event took place in Pärnu.
Event 2: Journalism Day 2016 in Finland (14/10/2016)
The aim of the event was to raise the issues of media ethics in covering the refugee issues, participation of refugee journalists in news-making, reporting on conplex global issues, and risks involved in reporting on conflicts, crimes and corruption. The event involved 90 citizens, including 83 participants from Finland, 4 participants from Estonia and 3 participants from Latvia.
Event 3: Speakers Tour (3 discussions) in Finland
The aim of the event was to discuss with journalism students in universities where journalism is taught the role of migrant journalists in Finnish media. The events involved 102 citizens, including 32 participants from the city of Tampere (Finland), 31 participants from the city of Turku (Finland) and 39 participants from the city of Jyväskylä (Finland).
The events took place in Tampere (Finland) on 19/04/2017, Turku (Finland) on 10/05/2017 and Jyväskylä (Finland) on 29/09/2017.
Event 4: Speakers Tour in Latvia (Riga, Latvia, from 11/10/2017 to 13/10/2017)
The aim of the event was to raise awareness of refugees in Europe and the way media is representing them. A young journalist from Iraq, Haneen Jameel, who has an asylum in Finland, visited Latvia shared her story with different Latvian audiences about working as a journalist in Iraq, the reasons why she had to leave her country and seek refuge in Europe, about integrating in Finland as well as how she sees refugee stories represented in European media. The events involved 150 citizens in Latvia.
Event 5: Competition and campaign (from 12/08/2016 to 30/11/2017)
The aim of the campaign was to discuss the role of media in portraying global issues especially the latest movements of refugees to Europe. Depending on the situation in the country the campaigns took different forms: in Finland the emphasis was on supporting the refugee journalists to work in Finnish media, in the Baltic Countries the emphasis was more on critical media literacy and media education. Various social media clips were produced as part of the
The event involved 323 citizens, including 110 participants from Estonia, 128 participants from Finland, 70 participants from Latvia and 15 participants from Lithuania. The events took place in Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania.
Event 6: Speakers Tour event in Estonia (25.5.2017)
The aim of the event was to discuss the ethics of journalism and how does the media coverage affect the realities of migrants. These issues were discussed between Mexican journalist Elva Narcia, Finnish media-expert Riikka Seppälä and the public. Lively discussion tackled the role of media in portraying migration issues in Europe, US and elsewhere. The event involved 40 participants from Estonia,
Event 7: World Village festival, Helsinki, Finland (28/05/2017)
The aim of the event was to discuss the topics of #BetterNewsMedia project withing one of the biggest development festivals in Finland, the World Village Festival. VIKES organised a journalist panel where journalists Mohamed Ibrahim from Somalia and Haneen Jameel from Iraq as well as Hussein Kazemian from Afghanistan discussed journalism and how their countries and people are portrayed in European media. The event involved 200 participants from Finland
Event 8: Summer School in Võsu, Estonia (from 21/08/2017 to 23/08/2017)
The aim of the event was to discuss, learn and share best practices of developing media literacy and critical thinking among the youth within the frame of global citizenship education. The event involved 35 citizens, including 28 participants from Estonia, 6 participants from Latvia and 1
participant from Lithuania.