
Toetusavaldus Gruusia kodanikuühiskonnale

Eesti vabaühendused saatsid esmaspäeval Gruusia vabaühendustele ja sõltumatutele meediaväljaannetele ühispöördumise, et avaldada Gruusia kodanikuühiskonnale toetust nende võitluses demokraatia ning kodanikuvabaduste eest.

Mondo töötab Gruusias 2017. aastast ja meil on seal täna kolm väga võimekat partnerorganisatsiooni. Oleme pikalt toetanud naistevastase vägivalla ohvreid ja tegutseme selle ennetamisega. Korraldasime koostöös partneritega riigi esimesed arvamusfestivalid. Täna aitame Gruusial toetada Ukraina põgenikke, edendada noorsootööd ja maapiirkondade kogukondadel toime tulla kliimamuutustega.

Seisame Gruusia ja oma partnerite kõrval!

Siin on Eesti Vabaühenduste Liidu juhitud ühispöördumine:

To our friends, allies, partners, and colleagues in Georgia,

As representatives of Estonian civil society organizations, we send you our heartfelt support in these challenging times. Sharing a history and facing a common neighbor whose influence has long threatened democratic principles, we stand with you as you uphold the values of freedom and justice.

We are deeply troubled by the increasing erosion of civil liberties and democratic rights in Georgia, compounded by the visible interference of Russia in your political landscape. Recent actions by the Georgian government, including the adoption of the “Transparency and Foreign Influence” law in spring 2024, undermine the foundations of democracy and human rights in your country. This legislation, among other developments, marks a troubling shift away from the principles of a pluralistic society and the aspirations of European integration.

The peaceful protests organized and led by Georgian civil society have been a beacon of hope and courage. Your commitment to nonviolent action in the face of adversity is both inspiring and exemplary. It is alarming, however, that these peaceful demonstrations have been met with violence. Reports of protesters being beaten and brutalized are deeply concerning and represent a grave breach of fundamental rights.

We strongly condemn any form of violence or repression used against those who are exercising their legitimate right to peaceful protest. We urge the Georgian authorities to respect the voices of their citizens, uphold the rule of law, and protect the freedoms that are the cornerstone of any democratic society.

Your fight for freedom, civic rights, and your place in Europe is not just Georgia’s struggle—it is a cause for all who value democracy. In a world where authoritarianism is on the rise, your efforts to safeguard human rights, civic freedoms, and the path toward European integration resonate far beyond your borders.

We want you to know that you are not alone. The world is watching, and your efforts matter.

Stay strong. We stand with you.

With solidarity and hope,

Network of Estonian Non-Profit Organisations
Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation
Open Estonia Foundation
NGO Mondo
Visionest Institute
DD Foundation
International Practitioners’ Partnership Network PRACTNET
The National Foundation of Civil Society
Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom


Mondo toetatud keskkonnaprojektid aitavad kohalikul tasandil nutikaid lahendusi leida


Mondo taotlusvoorust kokku 104 400 eurot toetust saanud vabaühendused asuvad koostöös kohalike omavalitsuste, roheettevõtjate, põllupidajate ja laiema avalikkusega leidma nutikaid lahendusi, kuidas kliimamuutusega kohaneda ja selle mõju leevendada. Projektide fookuses on keskkonnateadlikkuse edendamine ning arutelu tasakaalus ja jätkusuutliku majanduse võimalikkuse üle. “Kliimamuutuste vastane võitlus ei ole odav, kuid tegevusetus osutub lõppkokkuvõttes veelgi kulukamaks,” sõnas Mondo