
Mondo otsib kommunikatsioonispetsialisti Ukrainas

Mondo is looking for a passionate and creative communication specialist to join our team part-time/full-time. In this role, you will collaborate with colleagues in Estonia and Ukraine to raise awareness about Mondo’s activities and impact in Ukraine.

Job location: Ukraine, Kyiv


  • plan and execute communication activities to promote Mondo’s initiatives in Ukraine;
  • write and edit content for newsletters, press releases, and Mondo’s website on topics such as mental health, education, and environmental issues;
  • manage social media content, including creating schedules, writing engaging copy, designing visuals in Canva, and monitoring performance metrics;
  • build and maintain strong relationships with journalists and media outlets to ensure our work reaches a wider audience.


  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field;
  • min 2 years experience of communication;
  • preferably experience in humanitarian aid or development cooperation programs;
  • experience/interest in education sector;
  • positive attitude to work and great communication skills, openness to work with multiple stakeholders;
  • proactivity, punctuality and quick problem solving, ability to work independently, excellent time management skills;
  • good verbal and written communication skills in English;
  • excellent Ukrainian language skills;
  • willingness and capability to travel due to work.

We offer 28 vacation days, additional 3 health days, 2 days for your individual development. We have flexible work arrangements (including remote work, freedom and flexibility to handle your role in a way that’s right for you) collaborative and international environment where everyone works together to create a better world. We are dedicated to supporting our employees and developing their skills.

To apply, please send your CV and motivational letter, including your salary expectations to Ms Meelike Terasmaa, Head of Development and People at: meelike@mondo.org.ee by the 28th of January 2025.


NGO Mondo is an Estonian organisation aiming to reduce global inequality. Mondo works through education/health, livelihood, environmental and digital competence programmes in 11 partner countries, and global education in Estonia.

Mondo has been working in Ukraine since 2014 and has broadened its scope since the full scale Russian war on Ukraine. We are currently operating in most parts of Ukraine through humanitarian aid and development cooperation activities.


Mondo digivõimekuse programm annab oskused keerulistel aegadel toime tulekuks


Elisabeth Viinalass Mondo Lähis-Ida projektijuht Viimaste aastate jooksul on Liibanoni tabanud üks kriis teise järel: Süüria pagulaskriis, enneolematu sotsiaalmajanduslik langus, Beiruti sadama plahvatus, COVID-19 jne. 2024. aasta sügisel tipnes see Iisraeli vägede sissetungi ning laiaulatuslike õhurünnakutega, mille käigus hukkus ligikaudu 4000 inimest ja sai vigastada umbes 17000 inimest (OCHA). Mõne nädalaga oli pindalalt Eestist neli